vrijdag 7 december 2012


First of all I want to thank everyone for the lovely comments
you leave on my blog. Lately, I've had some not so comforting
comments as well. I chose not to publish these and told myself
not to let it get to me but that's not as easy as I thought it would
be. Then I thought I'd just close the comment section on my blog
so I wouldn't receive any nasty comments anymore but I'd have
to miss out on all your lovely comments as well then.
I've decided to take it easy for a while. I really want to
finish what I started and try to post a picture a day until dec 25th
but I probably won't always put so much text and not in two
languages because that's so time consuming. I'll do it at my own pace,
the way I started blogging in the first place. I needed to have something
where I could show beauty, away from the real world with its hardness
and frustrations, but in those few blogging years I've discovered
that hardness has found its way into blogland as well and I don't
want to let it ruin my way of thinking about blogging. I have to
do it my way and not try to please everyone, which is often my problem.
It sounds silly maybe but that can destroy you as a person
and I refuse to let it happen. A sleepless night because of a comment
I got, no, that's not what I want, that's put me with both feet on the ground
again. If someone can't appreciate what I put on my blog,
then just don't come here anymore, it's that easy isn't it?
I really think blogging should be about encountering people
from all over the world who have the same interests, who
love things you love as well, who want to share beauty and experiences,
not  about people demanding others to be a certain way
or telling them how to do things.

That said, I have some pictures to show you.
Today, looking out of the kitchen window, I saw this:
a ladybird is called a 'piepauw' in our local dialect.
Isn't that the most extraordinary thing
at this time of year?
Change of focus and this is what you see.
Our little christmastree from three years ago,
still surviving in the same container.
I should plant it out into a bigger container
but not now of course. I do wonder what soil
would be best to use for it though.....

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend,


13 opmerkingen:

  1. Eh jakkes...wat erg dat je nare commentaren gehad hebt...het is toch niet te geloven !!inderdaad, als ze het niks vinden...kom dan niet kijken..
    Ik vind het wel vervelend dat je nu alleen in het Engels gaat posten, maar dat is eerder mijn probleem, ik moet dan veel meer moeite doen om het te lezen. Je piepauw is idd byzonder deze tijd van het jaar, ze moeten al lang in winterslaap zijn nu... en taai-taai, die lijken op je broodjes?? in het broodmandje van je vorige post, maar dan zijn het poppetjes en wel zo hetzelfde van dikte.. met een soort tja...peperkoeksmaak, maar ook weer niet, en erg taai, kruipt ook zo tussen je tanden...er zijn ook een soort van die taaie vierkante 'pepernoten' die ken je misschien wel..

  2. Dear Marian,

    I am so, so sorry to hear about the sadness certain comments have brought you. Endeavour as we try to make this world a little more beautiful still there is always, sadly, somebody who wants to stop this progress and deflate our moral.

    I'm with you and I empathise.


  3. Wat jammer dat je zo'n nare ervaring heb gehad met bloggen lieve Marian, ik heb dit gelukkig nog niet meegemaakt, maar kan begrijpen dat zoiets je helemaal van je stuk brengt.
    Ik snap niet dat mensen op deze manier je dit plezier ontnemen, wamt zoals jezelf al zegt, als een post of Blog je niet bevalt ga dan verder.
    Jammer dat je niet meer in het nederlands schrijft, mijn engels is niet heel erg goed zodat het mij meer tijd kost een post te lezen.

    Ik wens je een fijn weekend toe en hou je vast aan alle leuke reacties lieve meis.
    Lieve groet, Mea

  4. Wat is het toch jammer dat dit soort dingen steeds weer gebeuren.Het is gemakkelijk te zeggen leg het naast je neer ,maar ik weet uit ervaring dat het niet zo eenvoudig is .Maar vooral niet stoppen hoor want ik zou je mooie blog missen.Ik hoop dat het vervelende gevoel snel zal verdwijnen en je weer met veel plezier zal bloggen
    liefs Elisabeth

  5. Dear marian,

    Leave it behind you if you can! There are always some shit people in the world....Your Blog ist great und amazing and i love to read on it.....!!!!!! Your little insect is a verry hard one!! In this time!! Great!! Lots of love Sarah

  6. You have a totally new look in your blog! That looks so cozy to me! I like it.

    I'm so sorry if someone has hurt you. I think your pictures are always just stunning! Don't let naughty people put you down. They're just envious. I've got some strange comments as well a couple of days ago.

    I would definitely miss you if you didn't blog anymore. Have a great weekend, Marian!

  7. Beautiful piepauw :):):)
    Sorry for those bad comments ... I am thinking of you, Marian !
    Have a gorgeous evening !

  8. I can't believe that nastiness has found its way to your peaceful blog :( Your pictures are so serene and beautiful. Perfect timing then for what I am giving you today. As a fan of your blog I'm sending you some blogger love and nominating you for a Liebster Award! To accept you have to list 11 random facts about yourself and nominate 11 other bloggers you like (who have 200 followers or less.) It is no problem if you don't wish to accept, just know that I think your blog is amazing :)

  9. I missed this post Marian and I am so sorry that someone has upset you with nasty comments. Just think about all of those who enjoy your blog, which is the majority and take no notice of the person who has been unkind. No doubt they were anonymous. People who do that usually give up in the end especially if they do not get the satisfaction of seeing their comments in print. Chin up we are all behind you.
    We have three trees planted in the garden that were once our indoor Christmas trees. I do not buy them any longer, there are only so many Christmas trees you can cope with in the garden. One is about 30ft hight, one 20ft and the other 12ft.

  10. Dear Marian,

    The ladybird (ladybug we call them) is a lovely sign, perhaps an omen of something magical for the season.

    I am so sorry to hear that you have dealt with negative comments. I can hardly believe that, especially when you so generously share your photos, your kindness and your support with so many of us. You ARE appreciated and cared for.

    Wishing you happy days and a beautiful and joyful holiday season. Thank you for being here, too.


  11. Marian,
    I'm so sorry that you have been experiencing bad comments. I love your blog and your photographs and they always brightened my day. I have been upset in the past my some comments and it always those that you focus on rather than the all the good comments. Thinking of you.
    Sarah x

  12. Wat raar toch dat er van die vervelende mensen zijn die onze blogpret proberen te bederven. Heb het zelf nog niet meegemaakt, maar kan me voorstellen dat ik daar slecht tegen zou kunnen. Maar we gaan gewoon door toch? Ik blog nog geen jaar en vindt het veel leuker dan ik ooit had durven denken. Dat lieveheersbeestje in deze tijd van het jaar is best bijzonder. En de sneeuw, ja die is hier ook al weer weg.
    Fijn weekend verder,
