vrijdag 22 april 2016

Springtime magic in the forest

It's that time of year again when parts of the woods get covered in a layer of white or blue or a mix of both. No matter how many times you've seen it it's impossible not to be impressed by it year after year. So, after this long time of no blogging from my side, I'd love to share that little bit of magic in the woods with you here, more specifically from the woods on Mont noir and in the parc Marguerite Yourcenar in Saint-Jans-Cappel.

Layers of blue wild hyacinths at the parc Marguerite Yourcenar.
You don't really find much flat areas here as this area that's right on the border of
France and Belgium is called 'Heuvelland' which means land of hills. 

 Believe me, if you just want to walk and not take pictures here you have to leave your camera and phone home because I think it's impossible to walk here and not feel the urge to take photos.

The blue carpet of bluebells may be magical but you know by now I always love a close-up picture and these bluebells are so delicate, beautiful and elegant.

 It's wonderful to be able to walk among these beautiful wild flowers. That's why I think it's such a pity people had been stepping on the Hyacinths on many places. There are pathways to walk on so I don't see why you would want to step on those marvelous flowers and ruin the blue carpet under the trees. I don't even get why one would do so. Really makes me angry and sad.

They may not get as much attention as the bluebells but these carpets of wild garlic really are amazing as well.

As if snow has fallen in some parts of the forest where the soil under the trees is covered in wild garlic.

At the parc Marguerite Yourcenar I always love that one spot where the redbrown leaves of a huge red beech (I think that's what it is) are twirling above the blue hue of the wild hyacinths. To me it's like a magical combo of Spring and Autumn happening. There's a wooden bench right at that spot which invites you to inhale the magic of it all.

Looking down at all that beauty,
don't forget to look up as well cause there's beauty to be found there as well.

Also, don't forget to soak in the surrounding landscape from 'Heuvelland' from time to time when there's an opening along the path in the forest at Mont noir. 

With this view I'd like to finish this long post with an overload of pictures, I know.
Just see it as a compensation of being absent here for so long.

Happy weekend all!
